Friday, January 27, 1995

Hypocritical Worth

I can't tell all about it

Just yet I've discovered my place

Far behind in the woods

An echo restless calls

               I can't stand when
I'm weary

               Can't hunger when
I don't care about substance

Lingering visions of more important tears

Not for me             but her
               The one that can't speak

She's locked in a little place
               Never been given water
                              can't grow
Mindless AND conniving
               But really just a child

Interior blues don't fade
               like my eyes with my moods

               The stones aren't set
The time passes

                              BUT SLOWLY

               daughter of misery
Do you want to play?

                              GO AWAY

                                             come back

I can't help but misunderstand
               When that's all that anyone's ever done.

               don't know how to be "just right"

Just my mama's excuse
everyone else's "not quite good enough."