Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Fairy Key

Avoidance, he's a tidy little trick
     That dupes the Heart into leaving the protection of her cage.
His ally, Indifference, sets his sights on skin
     And instead,
          Shreds aorta upon opening the iron gate.

When brick walls no longer suffice,
     The Heart, she buries herself deep underground,
For no more majesty, beauty, or virtue are to be found
     In the absence of Love.

Love flies about as a fleeting Fairy,
     Choosing to alight here or there ...
So beware!
     The viper pounces on unguarded Hearts,
Lost in Love's mysterious bite,
     Who refuse to see the gossamer wings,
Or acknowledge their forsaken plight.

But, lo, when one spies the Fairy devoted and true,
     Working feverishly on the latch of ONE gate,
          With neverending persistence ...

It is then that One Heart
     Has found One Love
To keep Avoidance and
     Indifference at bay.